Why Us?
Since our emergence in 1998, we have believed in the power of online communication. In 2008 we created a communication model that integrates blog, videos, social networks, virtual lectures for YouTube (which later became podcasts) and investments in SEO to enhance the communication of emerging companies. We innovated this communication process. There is no other company operating with this model that we call "online communication flow". On the contrary: you find fragmented companies, difficulty in integrating these actions and high final costs.
Our mission
Our primary objective is to expand the dissemination and customer base of innovative companies, which operate in the knowledge segment and work for a better world in their respective segments. That's why we have realistic costs, adapted to the needs of young companies. And this is also the reason why we work with online information flows, especially in countries that do not adopt social media censorship.
Our vision
We create a continuous flow of online content in the form of blogs, videos, social networks and even virtual lectures with the aim of giving more visibility to innovative companies. In the communication market, these activities are carried out by different companies, which harms the final result. At Future Press, we integrate these activities with more meaningful results.
Our team
The great specialty of our professionals is understanding business communication as an educational phenomenon, which needs to be broad and immersive to be successful.
Solange Ferracin
Founder / Pedagogy
Armando Maman
Founder / Communication Technology
Virginia Levy
Corporate Education / LinkEDU
Simy Levy
Social Media